Bereavement - West Midlands Hypnotherapy Centre

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Bereavement therapy and hypnotherapy for sudden loss can help your journey. It is said there are 5 stages of grief but there is little clarity on how long the stages of grief should take for you to move on.

As a registered nurse of 40 yrs I have met and been involved with many people during a time in their lives of great sadness and loss.

  • For some of these friends, relatives, and partner’s there have been instances where maybe the loss was sudden and things where left unsaid or there had been no chance to even say goodbye.
  • For others, past differences and arguments had caused a gap in the relationship that had never been resolved; the feeling left within them could never be voiced or dealt with
  • For many in this situation the pain of loss becomes even greater and grieving becomes a prolonged drawn out process seemingly unending.
  • For some the circumstances of the death or the last memory of their loved one has been clouded by pain and/or bad images.

For these people I have developed a system of hypnosis to bring peace and closure.

  • A chance to be in a place, we can create, where you can say that goodbye in the way you would have wished
  • Be able to move on focusing on happier memories and with positive thoughts replacing regrets.

From personal experience I realise that sad thoughts and grieving can continue for many months, sometimes longer, but whenever I feel this happening I focus on an incident when my mom turned a disaster into a hilarious moment just by a few words. I cannot think of it without laughing just as I am now as I was writing this.

I am forever grateful that my mother’s passing was peaceful and in my arms.

Although I will always love and miss her, my memories of that time are softened by the way in which she passed. With the knowledge that I had (probably because of my occupation) I said all the things I needed her to know, while she was alive.

Loss may never be easy, but I hope that with my help it can be made easier for those not as lucky as I.


Loss has many forms

There are many forms of loss in this life, which may bring with them a feeling of grief and bereavement.

With this in mind we are able to adapt the technique to help with many situations.

Relationship break ups, family disputes, end of career, “loss of me” and more.

We all need to grieve, but sometimes we need help to stop when the time is right.


Suffering at the ending of a relationship

Ghosting is a term now accepted to describe the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. Wikipedia states “The term originated in the mid-2000s. In that following decade, media reported a rise in ghosting, which has been attributed to the increasing use of social media and online dating apps.”

This form of sudden loss is another form of bereavement with the added dimension of what experts describe as a form of emotional cruelty. Ghosting for those of you who haven’t yet experienced it, is having someone that you believe cares about you, whether it be a friend or someone you are dating, disappear from contact without any explanation at all. No phone call or email, and complete avoidance; its as if they’ve become a ghost.

If you are suffering or know someone who is suffering from ghosting, we can help. We have found the most effective approach to be through hypnotherapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). Please contact us to discuss and look to arrange an appointment.


Contact us

To discuss how I can help you, and to arrange a bereavement hypnotherapy session, please call Jenny Peters on 0121 251 6172

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